This questionnaire is the result of work carried out by the Sustainable Shipping Initiative’s (SSI) Delivering on seafarers’ rights working group, in partnership with the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) and in collaboration with RightShip. The self-assessment provides concrete guidance to shipowners, operators, charterers and cargo owners to understand the extent to which current operations meet their seafarers’ rights and welfare obligations.

The questionnaire provides practical guidance on meeting the Code of Conduct – Delivering on seafarers’ rights, and where relevant questions are expanded on, providing three levels of compliance:

  • Basic: Achieving the basic level requires meeting all requirements for the basic level.
  • Intermediate: Achieving the intermediate level requires meeting all requirements for the basic and intermediate levels.
  • Excellent: Achieving the excellent level requires meeting all requirements for the basic, intermediate and excellent level.

Addressing sustainability issues is a journey, and the Code of Conduct and self-assessment are not intended to be a one-time snapshot or overnight change, but rather showcase demonstrable progress over time to secure lasting and positive change for seafarers.

Find out more about the work and download the Code of Conduct.

The self-assessment questionnaire can be completed online through a Self-Assessment Tool hosted by RightShip. The Self-Assessment Tool is free for any shipowner or manager to fill in. On completion, a Crew Welfare indicator will appear on the company’s vessel page within the RightShip Platform. Ship owners and managers will be sent a PDF summary of their submission, and will be reminded to re-submit after a year.

Visit the RightShip Crew Welfare Tool to learn more.